newborn baby
Cleft Care

Cleft Care

Cleft care at Palm Beach Plastic Surgery Institute is a comprehensive, patient-focused program designed to address the unique needs of individuals born with cleft lip and/or palate. This goes beyond the initial surgical repair of the cleft condition and includes ongoing treatments and procedures aimed at improving speech, dental alignment, and the overall appearance of the face.

mother holding son in arms
Cleft Lip Repair

Cleft Lip Repair

At Palm Beach Plastic Surgery Institute, we understand that every child deserves a smile they can be proud of.  We are specialists in cleft lip repair, a procedure designed to restore the natural appearance and function of your child's lips, providing them with the confidence and quality of life they deserve.

children coloring
Cleft Palate Repair

Cleft Palate Repair

The cleft care team at Palm Beach Plastic Surgery Institute Palm Beach Plastic Surgery Institute is committed to providing comprehensive, state-of-the-art cleft palate repair services focusing on safe surgery, excellent results, and happy patients.

Doctor prepped for surgery
Craniofacial Surgery

Craniofacial Surgery

At Palm Beach Plastic Surgery Institute, we are committed to providing world-class craniofacial surgery for children and adults for both congenital and acquired facial differences.

woman holding a baby


Craniosynostosis, a condition characterized by the premature fusion of one or more cranial sutures in infants, can significantly impact cranial shape and brain development.

Brain scans


Cranioplasty, a surgical procedure to repair or reconstruct the skull, is a crucial intervention for patients who have experienced skull trauma, congenital skull anomalies or have undergone neurosurgical procedures.

Two women and a child
Facial Trauma

Facial Trauma

At Palm Beach Plastic Surgery Institute, we recognize the significant physical and emotional impact of facial trauma. We are committed to providing comprehensive care and expert surgical intervention to help patients overcome these challenges, restore functionality and appearance, and enhance their quality of life.

Woman walking with a little boy
Facial Reanimation

Facial Reanimation

Facial reanimation is a highly specialized field of plastic surgery aimed at restoring movement and expression to faces affected by paralysis or nerve damage.

Little boy smiling


Otoplasty (ear reconstruction) is designed to reshape or resize the ears, correcting congenital and acquired ear differences. These procedures are often performed on children, but adults may also gain benefit from otoplasty.

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