What does the Palm Beach Plastic Surgery Foundation bring to the community?

The programs offered by the Foundation include:

  • Assistance with transportation and housing during medical evaluation and treatment.
  • Financial assistance for treatment of facial conditions, including cleft lip and palate, craniosynostosis, and craniofacial syndromes.
  • Financial assistance for facial appearance and functional issues following facial injury and trauma.

Dr. Davidson is committed to supporting the Foundation, offering his skills, knowledge, and patient-focused care to those who need this assistance. He sincerely believes that every child or person who needs facial surgery deserves the highest level of care and superior outcomes, irrespective of their financial circumstances. He is dedicated to serving the community through the Foundation and invites others, including his colleagues, friends, neighbors, and associates, to participate in the Foundation. Patients and patient families, potential donors, and collaborating organizations can contact the Foundation by email at [email protected] or by telephone at 561-800-3223.

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